Monday, February 18, 2013

"The biggest surprise for me was me…"

They say Erasmus is the unique experience somebody could feel once in a lifetime. They say Erasmus changes lives.They say Erasmus challenges your senses and perceptions of the environment and as a result Erasmus changes you. Is this true? Are this definitions of one of the most popular student exchange program in world valid? I have the answers for myself but there is nothing more boring than listen to your own voice all the time. So I decided to ask you, my dearest Erasmus students! What is Erasmus for you? 

The first one who agreed to answer my questions is Vicky. She is in the last year of her European studies in Sofia, Bulgaria and at the moment is spending her Erasmus time in Saarbrücken, Germany. Vicky is the most responsible and serious person I know and at the same time with extremely delicate taste in the richness and surprises in life. She takes them not with the drama of heaviness but with the grace of unbearable lightness of being, as once Kundera suggests. See for yourself...

If your Erasmus time was a chocolate, what kind of chocolate it would be? Why?
Milka with Oreo! That’s a flavor I found here and I guess I will just keep associating it with Saarbrücken and the experiences I’ve had here. Just like certain songs will always remind me of that. According to its description  “Milka & Oreo ist der zartschmelzende Schokoladengenuss aus Alpenmilch Schokolade aus 100% Alpenmilch und knusprigen original Oreo-Keksstückchen.“ (Milka & Oreo is the smooth chocolate delight from Alpine milk chocolate made ​​from 100% alpine milk and crispy original Oreo Keksstückchen). In some weird way this describes pretty clear my kind of Erasmus …

How long is the Erasmus night?
The Erasmus night is exactly as long as you want it to be. More than any other night in your life the Erasmus night depends on you and that’s what is so fascinating about it…

What was the cliché that appeared to be true about Erasmus?
The “fuckery” that Erasmus is said to be is 100% true! It’s a good thing you can freely choose to what extent you want to be part of it…

The most important thing(s) you’ve learned is/are...
German! I’m kidding… I learned that one has got to know their limits- always, any time, with anyone. I guess I got to know mine and myself in general, which is a knowledge I’d never trade for anything!

What was the biggest surprise in your Erasmus?
The biggest surprise for me was me… The way I handled things, people, feelings, situations – I know that it’s a cliché but one really never knows what they are capable of until they have to deal with a certain challenge.

   Do you want to change something in your Erasmus experience? Why?
Right now I don’t want to change anything… At least not anything I’ve done, had or said. (The only thing that comes to my mind is trade 2 of the courses I took for others.) :D 

What is the speed of the Erasmus roads?
The speed of the Erasmus roads is pretty high! One does so many things in such a short period of time- more than one would do for the same time in their normal life… It’s so intense! It’s like you’re part of a frickin’ reality show!

Where are leading the Erasmus roads?
To the change you’ve (always) sought for in your life…

Say something to the future Erasmus travelers.
Do what you feel like all the time and don’t give yourself a hard time for the choices you make even if they are not right! After all now is the time to make mistakes. ;)

What do you want to ask other Erasmus students?
Not really a direct question: I’m just wondering if there is an Erasmus student who regrets his decision to undertake this adventure…

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